Thursday, January 30, 2020

Characteristics of Gothic Literature Essay Example for Free

Characteristics of Gothic Literature Essay The Gothic In 1798 an anonymous author published a commentary that revealed exactly how some writers received the Gothic during this time: â€Å" Take—An old castle, half of it ruinous A long gallery, with a great many doors, some secret ones. Three murdered bodies, quite fresh. As many skeletons, in chests and presses. An old woman hanging by the neck; with her throat cut. Assassins and desperadoes, quant. suff. Noises, whispers, and groans, threescore at least. † (1-7) After reading many of the selections in the anthology, I found this poem on a Gothic’s â€Å"recipe† to be quite true (602). However, in the case of this anonymous writer, he considers all of these characteristics to be negative. I, on the other hand, find it very intriguing that this type of novel developed in a time ruled by writers whose main focus was politics and poetry. Many influential writers including Coleridge and Wordsworth criticized the characteristics, morality, purpose, and significance of these novels; however, I believe many of the features they disliked actually broadened the scope of literature. The Gothic novel was often attacked for being too formulaic. Although the specifics of the plot changed from novel to novel, the characteristics were often similar, which is something that is pointed out repeatedly by the Gothic’s critics. The similarities encountered in the characteristics of these novels include the setting, mystery, and characters to name a few. The setting of this type of novel is usually in a castle of sorts, or in some other mysterious place that produces suspense and terror within the reader. Although these settings were often alike, they â€Å"exist to convey the atmosphere† and are used â€Å"for ends that are fundamentally psychological† (Hume 286). This characteristic is one that set up the entire feeling of the novel, one of suspense, horror, and mystery. The setting of various novels was not uniform because it was the easy or obvious choice like many critics believed, but because it created a certain atmosphere that was needed for the plot. If the story had been set on a sunny beach, the atmosphere would have been much different and the reader would not get the same affect. Like the settings, the mysteries that develop within Gothic novels are usually somewhat similar. From what I have come across, many include a murder or deep, dark secret that is unraveled by an ordinary person. While this may support Wordsworth’s claim that these novels are â€Å"sickly and stupid German tragedies† because of their straightforward plot, I find them to be quite interesting (266). These mysteries create suspense, and were the first â€Å"page-turners† that were ever written. Readers no longer had to decipher long and complicated meanings from pieces such as the â€Å"Lucy Gray† poems; instead, they could sit back, relax, and enjoy these novels that created an escape into a mysterious world. Another piece of the â€Å"formula† that was important to the genre were the characters that were used throughout the novels. The characters were often simple people who were thrown into a situation that required extraordinary actions. While the simplicity of the characters was often criticized by writers who considered themselves to be â€Å"high culture,† these characters had the ability to â€Å"involve the reader in special circumstances† (Hume 286). Unlike the pieces that came before them, the Gothic novel had the capacity to draw the reader in, and put them in the shoes of the main character. For me, it was very hard to feel for the personas in earlier poems that we came across. I think the main reason for this is that the characters tended to be somewhat generic, but interesting. They allowed for anyone to understand the character and immerse themselves within the character’s thoughts. They also allowed for people to sink in to a particular character and feel the terror that they were feeling. Another aspect of the Gothic that was often called into question was the morality of the characters and authors. There are many instances in which these novels incorporated grotesque scenes that included rape and murder among many other things. In The Monk by Matthew Lewis the main character, Ambrosia, is a virtuous and ethical man who seduced by the demon Matilda. In one scene â€Å"his desires were raised to that frantic height by which brutes are agitated†¦ and [he] hastily proceeded to tear off those garments which impeded the gratification of his lust† (598). Ambrosia is obviously an immoral character, and he is criticized for not being so. To me, it seems like critics were getting to the point where they were trying to find anything and everything to criticize about the Gothic novel. While this genre may involve some unseemly characters, they are needed in order to create an interesting plot. Having some sort of villain is necessary in any type of writing that has a mystery or murder involved. Without villains, we cannot have heroes, and both are very important aspects of literature. Coleridge, for example, not only attacked The Monk as a novel but also attacked Lewis as a person for having the ability to create such an immoral character. He believed that â€Å"the merit of a novelist is in proportion†¦ to the pleasurable effect which he produces (604). I highly disagree with this statement because I believe controversy affects change, and change is needed in order to forward society. Novelists and poets were no longer writing poems that had the sole purpose of making a person feel good or empowered; instead, they were writing for entertainment. Also, many of the writers before The Monk addressed political issues that were not considered pleasurable, but controversial and hard to confront. Coleridge’s statement seems to contradict everything that literature stands for. Authors and the literature they create are unpleasant at times, and that is not wrong—it is merely a necessity for the forward movement of society and evolution of literature. Another important issue to address when it comes to these novels is their specific purpose. It seems that every literary movement in history had some sort of motive or driving force behind them. For the Gothic, this driving force or purpose seems to be to induce terror while entertaining. Before this movement, we never really encountered works of literature that were straightforward, suspenseful, and enjoyable all at the same time. In an essay by Aikin and Aikin, they claimed that people would â€Å"rather chuse to suffer the smart pang of a violent emotion than the uneasy craving of an unsatisfied desire† (584). By this, they mean that terror is pleasurable, and that is exactly what these novels delivered to their readers. It was not an emotion that was regularly produced when readers came into contact with the typical works of this time. For a piece of literature to induce such error was something novel and interesting that affected many of their readers. Because terror is an emotion that is hard to come by, these novels were, like I said, an escape for readers. Terror is not something that a person wants to encounter in their real life, but is something they can enjoy and acquire through reading these novels. Their purpose was not to confuse the reader with complicated meanings full of allusions. Instead, these terrifying novels have the ability to â€Å"render the poorest and most insipid narrative interesting when once we get fairly into it† (584). Although many of the authors of Gothic novels may not have been the best composers compared to standards during this time, they were still able to draw in a huge audience because they gave the people what they wanted. I would not consider the narratives â€Å"insipid,† but compared to the works that came before them, they were much simpler and used language that was not considered to be as articulate. This simplicity that is encountered when reading a piece of Gothic work, though criticized, says much about how society was changing during this time. These novels significantly altered the way in which literature was composed and whom it was available to. Instead of being read by the elite few, it was accessible to pretty much anyone who could read. During this time, the percent of literate people was rising rapidly, especially in the middle class. These books appealed to these people, and sold millions upon millions of copies because of this. I think that much of the distaste that so-called â€Å"high culture† writers had for these novels is because of their success. They were extremely popular, more so than the most popular of the poets during this time. For example, Wordsworth was said to be a commercialized version of â€Å"real† poetry because it was easier to understand than many other pieces out during this time. However, he never even came close to selling as many copies of Lyrical Ballads as the Gothic writers did with their own works. For Wordsworth to criticize a genre that feeds off of the readers’ ability to comprehend seems to be extremely hypocritical of him. Also, I think that when something appeals to the masses, it is a good thing. Change cannot occur unless everyone is on the same page, and that is what the Gothic provided to the people. Finally, I would like to confront just how significant this movement is to the literature we have today. This was the first time we encounter a genre that is similar to the types of genres we see today. The Gothic genre was criticized because the novels were too alike—but that is exactly what a genre is, according to today’s standards. One could argue that the novels that are published today are not of the same caliber as novels published 50, 100, or 200 years ago. And maybe that is true, but is it necessarily bad? In my opinion, having novels that are more accessible to more people makes for a better, more unified society. Having works of literature that are too complicated, wordy, or abstract leads to more ambiguity, and eventually creates a divide among social classes. I am not saying that all written works should be easy to understand, but I do think that the Gothic novel was the first in a wave of works of literature that helped society grow more literate. Finally, scholars and everyday people were able to read and talk about the same kinds of things. Although scholars who thought they were better writers were constantly criticizing it, they could not appeal to the masses. Gothic literature had the ability to do this, and you can still see its influence in novels on shelves today. It has a definite place in literary history, and should not be overlooked. It may not have had the deepest plots or the most complicated characters, but the genre had an impact during the 18th century, and continues to have an impact today.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

gatwomen gatmyrtle Great Gatsby Essays: Similarities of Gatsby and Myrtle :: Great Gatsby Essays

Same Goal, Different Route in The Great Gatsby A more thorough investigation of The Great Gatsby is necessary to uncover a well-disguised theme by Fitzgerald in this work. Upon a simple read through one would probably not notice the great similarities of Jay Gatsby and Myrtle Wilson, but the two characters seemed to have the same agenda for their lives. While Gatsby took the route of acquiring money at all costs to join the upper class of society and to be acceptable in the eyes of a woman, Myrtle chose to make her way up in society at the cost of her marriage by attaching herself to money. The underlying question is who had the most success. As a young man, Jay Gatsby was poor with nothing but his love for Daisy. He had attempted to woe her, but a stronger attraction to money led her to marry another man. This did not stop Gatsby’s goal of winning this woman for himself though, and he decided to improve his life anyway he could until he could measure up to Daisy’s standards. He eventually gained connections in what would seem to be the wrong places, but these gave him the opportunity he needed to "get rich quick." Gatsby’s enormous desire for Daisy controlled his life to the point that he did not even question the immorality of the dealings that he involved himself in to acquire wealth. Eventually though, he was able to afford a "castle" in a location where he could pursue Daisy effectively. His life ambition had successfully moved him to the top of the "new money" class of society, but he lacked the education of how to promote his wealth properly. Despite the way that Gatsby flaunted his money, he did catch Daisy’s attention. A chaotic affair followed for a while until Daisy was overcome by pressures from Gatsby to leave her husband and by the realization that she belonged to "old money" and a more proper society. Myrtle eventually had similar goals as Gatsby, but her life did not begin the same way. She was of the lower class of society and married a simple man. The two pursued a poor life, but Myrtle’s husband George was a decent man. Nevertheless, Myrtle became unsatisfied, and when the opportunity arose to better the quality of her life, she took it. Daisy’s husband Tom, an unfaithful, rough man not very committed to his marriage, began an affair with Myrtle.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Review of literature

Grand Canyon University Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases MRS.-IV Sandra White July 3, 2014 Epidemiology Hepatitis B We have come far in healthcare and everyday we get closer to solutions and can succeed in the understanding of disease processes unknown and foreign to us. We have been challenged many times by the illnesses that have taken so many lives but never in vain as when this unfortunate event has happened we have been able to get closer to a solution.The many diseases that have been a main factor in causing death are many however; we have come far in the vaccination process and treatments. In this paper we will focus on Hepatitis B. The virus that has been around for many years and was unknown to mankind until it became a global issues, causing scientists from all over the world to assess, evaluate and then research for a vaccination against this virus, in the 1965 by DRP Plumber however, it was licensed in the unites states in 1981 to be used as it showed a 90 or greate r % chance of treatment (â€Å"Hepatitis B foundation,† 2014).Writing about hepatitis B and talking about, people will understand that it is a virus which they should get vaccinated for or have their children vaccinated however, what truly is Hepatitis B and what does it do? Continuing on this important subject this writer will start off by explaining where this virus was discovered and where it could have manifested. We will also discuss the symptoms, treatment and environmental factors contributing to the disease. Including the nurses' role in the system. What can a health care worker contribute and teach the community?Hepatitis B (HUB) affects the liver of the infected person. It in turn causes scaring of he liver, liver diseases, death and liver cancer (CDC, 2014). The way a person can get infected in the first place varies. Many times one could get infected by blood ; open sores, sharing needles, unprotected intercourse and any other way of transferring blood from an exp osed person to an unexposed person. The infection is not such as HIVE, meaning you get infected once and then you raise immunity towards it and will not be exposed or get infected again.This also varies as some, will not get rid of the infection. If this occurs, where someone has been infected for more than six months hey will be considered a carrier and can easily without any sign and symptoms of infection, infect others. The symptoms vary from person to person however the main symptoms and side effects include and are not limited to, fever, Jaundice, abdominal pain, unexplained fatigue and unusual light colored stools, causing extreme gastrointestinal dysfunctions and pain (â€Å"Hepatitis B foundation,† 2014).A damaged liver caused by the HUB can be detrimental. The liver is an organ we can not survive without, it is as it would be an engine, cleaning the system; clearing the load of waste products, drugs, making clotting factors to stop excessive bleeding after cuts and i njuries. It also produces immune factors and will remove bacteria from the blood. Furthermore, it also releases bile to help digest food and absorb many nutrients needed (â€Å"Hepatitis B foundation,† 2014). HUB can cause liver cancer and if not treated immediately, it can be detrimental to the affected person.It is important to have a liver biopsy in this case and move forward with appropriate treatment such as any surgical removal of tumor or targeted liver chemotherapy. Treating and preventing this disease is mainly and most focused on certain age groups. It in this case has a demographic interest approach. Per the Hepatitis B Foundation, they report that the â€Å"risk of developing a chronic hepatitis infection is directly related to the age at which one becomes infected with the virus (â€Å"Hepatitis B foundation,† 2014).Per the Centers for disease control and prevention they report that the highest rated infected populations are infants with infected mothers, health care workers, intercourse between men, population who share needles between hem when using illicit drugs and any contact between infected and uninfected person. They continue to report that there is no acute treatment for an acute infection and that treatment is supportive, as many may also not have clear symptoms at first. Furthermore, per the world health organization, they report â€Å"more than 780 000 people die every year† form HUB in the world (WHO, 2014).The geographical distribution is such that the highest rate presents in the sub Sahara Africa and East Asia. We must understand that these are poor unprivileged areas in the world and cost likely and many times do not have enough access to education, vaccines or treatment. The world organization of health reports that most of these people in these areas are infected as children and 5-10 % of adults become chronically infected with HUB however, in general it is reported by WHO as well that 15-25% of adults who become chronically infected during childhood die from hepatitis B- related liver cancer or cirrhosis. WHO, 2014). Again, the vaccine has been available for everyone since 1982 shortly after it was discovered in 1965. It has shown and proven to decrease the infection by 95% (CDC, 2014). However, funding and availability of transport and financial support is lacking to spread the vaccination to these regions and could, unfortunately take many more lives before a solution can be reached and adding that â€Å"HUB and HCI infections account for the majority of cirrhosis and primary liver cancer throughout most of the world† (Peer,J. F. , Armstrong, G. L, 2006).Further discussing the HUB this writer will contrast it towards the epidemiology triangle, which was founded and created by researchers to better understand and solve health problems including viruses and infections. By researching around the epidemiology triangle for Hepatitis B we can understand that there is an agent, whi ch in this case would be the HUB (virus), which, then will infect the host (a human). Vertex number three is the environmental factor researches pertain to as â€Å"where†, the condition of the host, the outside factors causing the agent to reside on host and infect it.For hepatitis B we have confirmed that all the factors exist. The agent (HUB) will enter the host whom would be the human blood cells, in other words, HUB infection is caused by the virus which will penetrate in to the cell and release its gnome into it. As we will not go into the details of the viral life cycle but including that per the Journal by Lu X and Block Timothy, in their research, † Study of early steps of hepatitis B life cycle† they report that the virus will infect its host by three stages called; attachment, fusion and entry.The research is still ongoing on the specifics of the complete cycle of the HUB (Lu & Block, 2004). The environmental factor includes dried blood on surfaces, whi ch is infected, and if another person will have contact with it. Another environmental situation can be the needles found on streets seed by drug users whom can have been infected as well. When healthcare workers work with blood pathogens and areas where they could easily be exposed it is important for them to be vaccinated before hand as this environmental factor could have a deadly turn out.So what is the role of the community nurse in this case and in regards to hepatitis B? As nurses are to advocate for their community it is also a responsibility for some to step up in their role and collect data and analyze the case findings within the community. In this regard it is important and in many cases also a requirement for a ruse to obtain a baccalaureate degree in nursing and to then establish partnership and collaboration with public health professionals.It is important for the public health nurse to involve the community and their awareness on public safety, vaccination and preven tion of diseases. Some ways a public health nurse can participate is to help clinics control communicable diseases, educate and participate in environmental sanitation, health education including schools as well. To control and manage results, increase or decrease of disease within the community, a nurse could for example collect data by questionnaires.Another way would be to collaborate with laboratories by collecting data and assessing the results Furthermore, nurses should follow up with every patient who might have been infected or could be at risk for infection by doing home calls or call patients back to assess results and contribute further in education. There are many national agencies one can choose to seek further information from or refer a client too; one of them is the center for disease control and prevention. Another major agency is the world health organization, which also covers on an international level.Another online site that can be viewed is Hepatitis B foundati on with tremendous amount of information and the latest updates on research. For the serving and veterans the VA has many resources as well that can be visited. As the information has become vast and with new technology discovered, we are get a little closer to a wider solution and treatment including prevention. There are still many vast majorities of regions that are in need of proper education and preventive care such as vaccines however, with the appropriate funding and health care providers this goal can also be reached. Review of literature Grand Canyon University Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases MRS.-IV Sandra White July 3, 2014 Epidemiology Hepatitis B We have come far in healthcare and everyday we get closer to solutions and can succeed in the understanding of disease processes unknown and foreign to us. We have been challenged many times by the illnesses that have taken so many lives but never in vain as when this unfortunate event has happened we have been able to get closer to a solution.The many diseases that have been a main factor in causing death are many however; we have come far in the vaccination process and treatments. In this paper we will focus on Hepatitis B. The virus that has been around for many years and was unknown to mankind until it became a global issues, causing scientists from all over the world to assess, evaluate and then research for a vaccination against this virus, in the 1965 by DRP Plumber however, it was licensed in the unites states in 1981 to be used as it showed a 90 or greate r % chance of treatment (â€Å"Hepatitis B foundation,† 2014).Writing about hepatitis B and talking about, people will understand that it is a virus which they should get vaccinated for or have their children vaccinated however, what truly is Hepatitis B and what does it do? Continuing on this important subject this writer will start off by explaining where this virus was discovered and where it could have manifested. We will also discuss the symptoms, treatment and environmental factors contributing to the disease. Including the nurses' role in the system. What can a health care worker contribute and teach the community?Hepatitis B (HUB) affects the liver of the infected person. It in turn causes scaring of he liver, liver diseases, death and liver cancer (CDC, 2014). The way a person can get infected in the first place varies. Many times one could get infected by blood ; open sores, sharing needles, unprotected intercourse and any other way of transferring blood from an exp osed person to an unexposed person. The infection is not such as HIVE, meaning you get infected once and then you raise immunity towards it and will not be exposed or get infected again.This also varies as some, will not get rid of the infection. If this occurs, where someone has been infected for more than six months hey will be considered a carrier and can easily without any sign and symptoms of infection, infect others. The symptoms vary from person to person however the main symptoms and side effects include and are not limited to, fever, Jaundice, abdominal pain, unexplained fatigue and unusual light colored stools, causing extreme gastrointestinal dysfunctions and pain (â€Å"Hepatitis B foundation,† 2014).A damaged liver caused by the HUB can be detrimental. The liver is an organ we can not survive without, it is as it would be an engine, cleaning the system; clearing the load of waste products, drugs, making clotting factors to stop excessive bleeding after cuts and i njuries. It also produces immune factors and will remove bacteria from the blood. Furthermore, it also releases bile to help digest food and absorb many nutrients needed (â€Å"Hepatitis B foundation,† 2014). HUB can cause liver cancer and if not treated immediately, it can be detrimental to the affected person.It is important to have a liver biopsy in this case and move forward with appropriate treatment such as any surgical removal of tumor or targeted liver chemotherapy. Treating and preventing this disease is mainly and most focused on certain age groups. It in this case has a demographic interest approach. Per the Hepatitis B Foundation, they report that the â€Å"risk of developing a chronic hepatitis infection is directly related to the age at which one becomes infected with the virus (â€Å"Hepatitis B foundation,† 2014).Per the Centers for disease control and prevention they report that the highest rated infected populations are infants with infected mothers, health care workers, intercourse between men, population who share needles between hem when using illicit drugs and any contact between infected and uninfected person. They continue to report that there is no acute treatment for an acute infection and that treatment is supportive, as many may also not have clear symptoms at first. Furthermore, per the world health organization, they report â€Å"more than 780 000 people die every year† form HUB in the world (WHO, 2014).The geographical distribution is such that the highest rate presents in the sub Sahara Africa and East Asia. We must understand that these are poor unprivileged areas in the world and cost likely and many times do not have enough access to education, vaccines or treatment. The world organization of health reports that most of these people in these areas are infected as children and 5-10 % of adults become chronically infected with HUB however, in general it is reported by WHO as well that 15-25% of adults who become chronically infected during childhood die from hepatitis B- related liver cancer or cirrhosis. WHO, 2014). Again, the vaccine has been available for everyone since 1982 shortly after it was discovered in 1965. It has shown and proven to decrease the infection by 95% (CDC, 2014). However, funding and availability of transport and financial support is lacking to spread the vaccination to these regions and could, unfortunately take many more lives before a solution can be reached and adding that â€Å"HUB and HCI infections account for the majority of cirrhosis and primary liver cancer throughout most of the world† (Peer,J. F. , Armstrong, G. L, 2006).Further discussing the HUB this writer will contrast it towards the epidemiology triangle, which was founded and created by researchers to better understand and solve health problems including viruses and infections. By researching around the epidemiology triangle for Hepatitis B we can understand that there is an agent, whi ch in this case would be the HUB (virus), which, then will infect the host (a human). Vertex number three is the environmental factor researches pertain to as â€Å"where†, the condition of the host, the outside factors causing the agent to reside on host and infect it.For hepatitis B we have confirmed that all the factors exist. The agent (HUB) will enter the host whom would be the human blood cells, in other words, HUB infection is caused by the virus which will penetrate in to the cell and release its gnome into it. As we will not go into the details of the viral life cycle but including that per the Journal by Lu X and Block Timothy, in their research, † Study of early steps of hepatitis B life cycle† they report that the virus will infect its host by three stages called; attachment, fusion and entry.The research is still ongoing on the specifics of the complete cycle of the HUB (Lu & Block, 2004). The environmental factor includes dried blood on surfaces, whi ch is infected, and if another person will have contact with it. Another environmental situation can be the needles found on streets seed by drug users whom can have been infected as well. When healthcare workers work with blood pathogens and areas where they could easily be exposed it is important for them to be vaccinated before hand as this environmental factor could have a deadly turn out.So what is the role of the community nurse in this case and in regards to hepatitis B? As nurses are to advocate for their community it is also a responsibility for some to step up in their role and collect data and analyze the case findings within the community. In this regard it is important and in many cases also a requirement for a ruse to obtain a baccalaureate degree in nursing and to then establish partnership and collaboration with public health professionals.It is important for the public health nurse to involve the community and their awareness on public safety, vaccination and preven tion of diseases. Some ways a public health nurse can participate is to help clinics control communicable diseases, educate and participate in environmental sanitation, health education including schools as well. To control and manage results, increase or decrease of disease within the community, a nurse could for example collect data by questionnaires.Another way would be to collaborate with laboratories by collecting data and assessing the results Furthermore, nurses should follow up with every patient who might have been infected or could be at risk for infection by doing home calls or call patients back to assess results and contribute further in education. There are many national agencies one can choose to seek further information from or refer a client too; one of them is the center for disease control and prevention. Another major agency is the world health organization, which also covers on an international level.Another online site that can be viewed is Hepatitis B foundati on with tremendous amount of information and the latest updates on research. For the serving and veterans the VA has many resources as well that can be visited. As the information has become vast and with new technology discovered, we are get a little closer to a wider solution and treatment including prevention. There are still many vast majorities of regions that are in need of proper education and preventive care such as vaccines however, with the appropriate funding and health care providers this goal can also be reached.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Parenting Producing Helicopter Parents And Tiger Moms

Patrick de Waal English 1A Condon 11/22/15 Look out above. Regardless of who you are or where you come from there’s one instrumental factor we all share. We all were raised by a parent, parents, or guardian that was key in who we became. While like many things Americans cannot seem to agree on which stratagem is best in child rearing it is indelible that the common goal of every parent is for their son or daughter to succeed and find happiness in life. However, this has given rise to some extreme forms of parenting producing helicopter parents and tiger moms; Parents that feel the need to control every aspect of their child’s life to either keep them safe or make them the â€Å"best† when compared to others. In the end everyone wants to be a good parent, but helicopter parents and other groups like them are, in the long term, hindering more than helping their child towards a successful future. In the past 25 years alone parenting has been making a major shift according to marriage therapist John Becker the general goals of parenting haven t see too much variance over the years but the focus and outcomes have (Morman). Even looking back on my own childhood and that of some of the kids I work with, sometimes an age gap as small as four years between us, the effects of different parenting methods is evident. We always ate dinner together at roughly the same time and everyone ate the same thing, dinner served as a time to catch up on the days events as a family; A sentiment ofShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pageslevels of analysis in this book’s OB model. MyManagementLab Access a host of interactive learning aids to help strengthen your understanding of the chapter concepts at cott Nicholson sits alone in his parents’ house in suburban Boston. His parents have long since left for work. He lifts his laptop from a small table on which his mother used to have a vase with flowers. This day will be like tomorrow, and tomorrow will be like today. On his laptop, Scott searches corporate